Currently one of my greatest Infuences
Best known for black-and-white images of herself and young women nude, blurred (due to movement and long exposure times), merging with their surroundings, or with their faces obscured.
Years after her suicide at the age of 23, her photographic works became the subject of much attention.
Woodman used different cameras and film formats during her career, most of her photographs were taken with a Yashica camera-producing 2-1/4 by 2-1/4 inch square negatives-that her father had given her.
Woodman's estate, which is represented by the Marian Goodman Gallery in New York, consists of over 800 prints of which "only around 120 images have ever been published or exhibited.
Many of Woodman's images are untitled and are known only by a location and date.
Many of Woodman's images are untitled and are known only by a location and date.
(special thank you to Michael Siu for introducing her work to me and to Ben Rains for the use of his book)