Thursday, August 20, 2009

Luciano Noble- Los Angeles

Ross de Péloubet Thompson-Maryland

If anyone knows of any outstanding photographers, of any style, figure, fashion, casual, digital, film, old, young, famous, unnkown please send me your recomondation and I will try and contact them!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Micheal Siu-New Orleans

the black rose.
New found fan of Richard Kern and Terry Richardson.
Researching tallent in New York at the moment.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Holga Film Camera. San Fransisco. ArtistByDay Photography

I have been back from my California/Arizona trip for one week tonight. At the moment taking a break and working on other job in Louisiana.
This image is from a good and evil series that Danial and I did. It was shot with a Holga film camera and I love the resulted harsh rawness.