Michael Siu usually goes into each one of his shoots with a clear, but never regid, vision for it. However, we ventured into this shoot with only one minor concept, then caually 'winged' the rest our time together.
Unstructured experimentation is an invitation for malfunction.
But, sometimes; on the right night, with the right photographer, in the right light, listening to the right music....(as Michael would say) the stars align.
This is what I love about working and reworking with the same photographer multiple times.
It creates a relaxed relationship and general work environment.
Niether party is positively scrambling in absorbed reverie and the novely of working with one another;
What happens, happens, but there is no longer that initial pressure to swan heaps of stunning images together.
I also become more open (and I'm already very open!) to let loose of my normal, body-aware posing rythem and attempt some experimental positions; manipulating or settling into foreign facial or bodily expressions and I become more confident to receive and interpret criticisim and instruction from the photographer on my unrefined, lumbering, blundering, experimental, exhibitionist, efforts.
true that